Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Background Microwave Radiation

Astronomers and the like say that the Background Microwave Radiation, that is present no matter where a Radio Telescope is pointed, is the residue of the light from the "Big Bang" that created our Universe. I'm pretty sure they say that over time (10 - 20 billion of our years) the frequency of the light, from the "Big Bang", has slowed down to the frequencies in the MicroWave band.

Ok......That is both acceptable and unacceptable to me.

Acceptable>  Light traveling for billions of years, I suppose, could slow down in Frequency to
                     the MicroWave band and less. Ok nuff said on that point.

Unacceptable> Astronomers can actually detect this Background Microwave Radiation.

Before I go further I must explain the "Big Bang" the way I see it.

1. Astronomers and the like say the "Big Bang" started from a small area that was smaller
    than the head of a pin. I can not accept that. I'll give the astronomers the benefit of the
    doubt and say the OBJECT was the size of the Earth. I'll call this OBJECT Origin-otbb.

 Note: EVERYTHING, no matter where its at, seeks equilibrium and the Space that
          Origin-otbb is in I'll call, for the lack of a better term, Primordial Space.
2. Something, whether internal or external, takes Origin-otbb out of equilibrium and it
    begins to expand. Like a SuperNova, but on a scale that would make a SuperNova
    seem like a gnat fart.

3. Origin-otbb is an object with a concentration of gravity that is almost unimaginable.
    While Origin-otbb is expanding the gravity is still HIGHLY concentrated and will
    not allow light to escape (yet).

 4. Finally Origin-otbb expands to a point that the concentration of gravity has
     lessened enough to allow light to escape. So....I think you can say that the first
     indication of the "Big Bang" is light.

5. At this point we have a central point, Origin-otbb, and light moving OUTWARD in
    ALL directions from the central point.

6. Billions of our years later the "Big Bang" has coalesced into what we see today. But
    the light or residue of the light is still moving outward from the central point. The
    path of light can not be changed unless acted upon by an external force or object.
    Plus, you can't see light that is moving away from you. It must be coming towards
    you to be able to detect it.

One final note; Astronomers, whether Radio or Optical, are viewing celestial objects
                       as they were in the past Not as the celestial object is right now today.
                       Also since we have not seen whats beyond our limited vision (limited
                       by time) the other 90% could be there.

So my question is..........What is the Background Microwave Radiation?

Could it be light residue coming into our Universe from other "Big Bangs" in
Primordial Space?


Monday, August 8, 2011

Measuring The Distance To Very Distant Quazars and the like

I would really like to know how the Astronomers use "Red Shift", in the light spectrum,
to determine the distance to a very distant objects (see title).

The way I understand what the astronomers are doing is:

1. gather the light from a very distant object.
2. Pass the gathered light through a prism
3. Measure how far the red light has shifted. The more it shifts the farther away it is.

If this is where they stop their calculation of distance, to the very distant object , I feel
their calculations are only 1/2 to 3/4 finished.

I'll explain my reasoning and I will use numbers for distance and speed that make the math
much easier. You could use the actual distance and speed numbers and it would make no
real difference but you would need a calculator.

So...the numbers I will use are......10 billion lightyears to the very distant object and it is
moving away from us at 1Mph under the speed of light. Basically the speed of light.

This is how I see it.

1. Light leaves the very distant object 10 billion years ago on its trip to Earth and the
    very distant object is  traveling in the opposite direction at the speed of light.

2. 10 billion years later the light finally reaches Earth but also the very distant object has
    traveled at the speed of light for 10 billion years in the opposite direction.

3. In reality the very distant object is 20 billion light years away from us (right now) but
    Astronomers can't see the very distant object at 20 billion lightyears because the light
    from it hasn't reached us yet. It will though in 10 billion years

This make me wonder if the Universe is expanding, contracting or what. There is a large
gap in what the Astronomers are seeing and what is actually happening out there right
now. Possibly billions of years gap.

Whacha Tink


Sunday, August 7, 2011

The polititians And presidents Debt and Deficit Of The United States

I had to title my post this way even though it really boils down to the Peoples fault for our
debt and deficit. The People have, since WWII, become complacent and self-centered.
As long as the People have a roof over their head, clothes on their back and food in their
stomach they are happy. The People happily vote a person into office then say to
themselves "There!! the loads off my back and onto his" and then the People go back to
their own personal WonderLand.

Our Constitution starts out "We the People" not "We the polititians And presidents"

The People must get involved with whats going on in the politics of our country. I don't
mean afew thousand or afew hundred thousand. I mean Millions of People.

The government is now 14.5 trillion dollars in debt (money the polititians And presidents
have spent that the government didn't have available to spend)

The government now has a deficit of 1.4 trillion dollars (this is money that the government
doesn't have to cover the spending and interest payments). The deficit is 1/10 of the
governments debt (10%).

I think I saw a newspaper that said the deficit will be lowered over a 10 year period (I
could be wrong), but the main thing is the 10 year part. ARE YOU FUCKING
KIDDING ME. Give these polititicians And presidents another 10 years to do what they
haven't been able to do in the past 50 years (I'm 64 and I remember).

With the debt and deficit crisis(?) looming more and more, and if the economy should fall,
the life we would be living would make the Depression seem like a garden party. Then
where would your Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness be.

The People have allowed the politicians And presidents to spend money Helter Skelter.
They have put the People of the United States in a position that is or will be very
detremental to our safety and well being. Which brings to mind, The Declaration of
Independence. Here is a part from it.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they

are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these

are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights,

governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the

consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes

destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and

to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and

organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect

their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long

established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly

all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils

are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are

accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably

the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is

their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new

guards for their future security.

Nuff Said


Life after Death - An Atheists New Point of View

I really like to just think. Let your mind go and let the thoughts flow through your mind.
I also do this to help me go to sleep. It's hard to explain what happens, it's like I release
control of my thinking process and my mind starts going "What if this", "What if this",
"What if this", "What if this", "What if this", "What if this", then maybe a good thought
comes through and I say whoa, lets think about that for awhile. This may sound crazy
but its worked for me all these years.

In no way am I supporting any type of religion. I do not support the idea of a mythical
being. I support the "Big Bang" theory and Evolution. I also like the thought of

One night, a few years back, I was watching a favorite movie and thinking. Then "PoP"
a good thought. "Could I Find The Possibility Of Life After Death" using only Scientific
Laws, Theories and Evidence? In just a few seconds I realized "Yep" I think I can. The
kicker to my hypothesis came to me, I think, months later and it stunned me. No brag
intended. I can not type my whole hypothesis, I'm a 2 finger typist, but I can shrink it
down alot.

                                                      The Possibility Of Life After Death
                                                                         An Atheist

First we have to look at the Big Bang. Was there a Big Bang before ours and will there
be more Big Bangs after ours dies(?). Or is this the only Big Bang since some
Astronomers say we are in an ever expanding Universe. My whole hypothesis works
with them all.

I support the hypothesis that this is not the first Big Bang nor will it be the last. With this
in mind Life After Death came easily to me. Since I believe in Multiple Big Bangs, the
Law of Probability comes into play. At this point we have to forget about TIME because
the time needed to complete my hypothesis is almost unimaginable (like Mega-trillions of
our years). Anyway, I think what will happen is that, over a looong period of time,
probability says a whole body or a whole brain or just a certain part of a brain (not sure
which yet, but I'm leaning towards "just a certain part of a brain" ) will  genetically form
the consciousness that you are experiencing today. I realize this concept is very hard to
grasp and I think I'm using Occam's Razor but, hypothetically, it works.

                                                           BECAUSE IT'S NOT.
                                                      (it's biochemical and genetics ) the consciousness is back on line and we come to the bad news.
      1. The consciousness will be in another Universe, in another Galaxy, in another solar
          system and on another planet.

      2. The consciousness will not remember past family, friends, pets or the Earth for
          that matter.


      3. The consciousness will probably be asking the same damn questions about the
          Universe as we are. ( a little humor)

Now for the good news, though I have no problem with the above, and its the KICKER
I mentioned earlier.

When we die the consciousness ceases to function because the biochemical actions have
stopped. The body, over time, becomes Star Stuff again (thank you Carl Sagan).

Now there is a looong period of time and the consciousness is genetically formed again.

This is the KICKER.......While the consciousness is not active there is no sense of time.
So... the time from death to reformation of  the consciousness would seem instantaneous
(if the consciousness could remember) .

Think of it like this........You are on your death bed, you are closing your eyes for the
final time and you die.

Then! what seems like a nanosecond you open your eyes and you have complete, total
and absolute amnesia and you are a baby or some type of young being.

Basically thats it in a nutshell. My whole hypothesis goes much deeper.
